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On Sunday the 19th of May, 2024, we celebrated two milestones for our church! The first was celebrating our 29th birthday and all that God has done in and through us as His church on the Gold Coast. The second milestone was a project that will transform our facilities for the families of Highway. Our Senior Pastors and Board presented this project to make room for the future generations at Highway, and you can watch this presentation below.

In summary, this project involves: 

  • The southern side of the Ormeau building will be extended and covered as a dedicated family and connection area

  • A significant makeover of the existing Ormeau Highway Kids facilities,

  • The installation of a new playground at Ormeau

  • A new mother's room facility will be added to the main auditorium at Gilston

  • A significant makeover of the existing Gilston Highway Kids facilities


Ways to Give:

In person via cash, cheque or eftpos

Online via this link

Direct Debit: Highway Christian Church

BSB: 034 605 ACC: 290 878

Reference: MakeRoomOrmeau / MakeRoomGilston


Thank you for being part of this investment and faith step in making room!

You are welcome to give at any time, however we would love to receive this offering by 30 June 2024 to get started as soon as possible.



Make Room

"What's in your house?"

2 Kings 4:2



Last year, we committed to growth and celebrated God's faithfulness as he helped us develop and mature in our lives and faith.

This year, we continue our commitment to growth as God's disciples, and answer his call to make room.


Here you will find information and tools that will help you grow in your faith through building a strong foundation for life, and practising spiritual disciplines.


Stone Jar


Since it started, Highway has been built on God's word. Join our 2024 Vision Sunday service to hear from our Senior Pastors about their heart and vision for our Highway Church family this year.


View Here

Prayer and Fasting

Make Room for the Breakthrough - 2024 Church-Wide Fast

February 9-29, 2024


As we launch into the year, you are invited to join us on a fast. The purpose of this fast is to make intentional space for the Lord to speak to us and to petition him for the areas in our lives where we need and desire breakthroughs. 


Fasting involves giving something up. Traditionally, this is food; however, it can be anything that occupies time across your day.

In this newly created space, we can seek the Lord in prayer.


The key to pursuing a breakthrough in these barriers is ensuring we do it the Bible way! That is, we must:


  • Deal with our hearts first - We must repent of our sin (Jas 5:16, 2 Chr 7:14), have the right motivation in prayer (Jas 4:3), and forgive even as we have been forgiven (Mat 6:9-13, Mk 11:25).  


  • Listen to God speak - God has spoken to us through Scripture, which is our starting point in understanding God's word for our lives.

    • For example, what does the Bible tell us about receiving healing from illness and injury? It tells us that Jesus suffered horrendous injury and death, but he defeated death, and "by his stripes, we are healed".

    • What about receiving provision in a time of need? The Bible tells us that God feeds small birds, and we are worth more than they are to him (Mat 6:26). It tells us that those who seek God will not want for any good thing (Ps 34:10) and that he will never forsake us (Heb 13:5)

    • What does it say about our loved ones coming to know Jesus? It says that God desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4), that he is patient towards us reaching repentance (2 Pet 3:9) and that his kindness leads us to repentance (Rom 2:4).


  • Declare God's word back to him - Jesus has made it possible for us to approach the Father with bold prayers "that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb 4:16). When we remind God of what he has said, we reinforce our trust and faith in him which pleases him (Heb 11:6).  


God is a good gift giver who wants to see us flourish (Jas 1:17, Lk 11:13, Rom 8:32), and he works for those who wait for him to bring about healing, justice and restoration (Is 30: 18-19, 64:4, Prov 20:22, Ps 37:27-29).


See below for more information and resources on prayer and fasting, and follow our social media as we journey through this time together.

Clay Bottles


There are many types of prayer, but they all boil down to one thing— a conversation with God.


Prayer is not a human initiative. It is our response to the God who first calls to us and reveals himself to us as God.


Scripture teaches us how to pray. In fact, the Psalms are considered to be the prayer book of Israel. In the Psalms, we see verses of praise and adoration. Along with this worship, we also see lament, petition, testimony and faith. 


Up to half of the Psalms are Psalms of lament. Lament is the proper response for us when we face barriers of all kinds because it points us to the one who can bring restoration and justice. When we go to God with our requests, it says that we have faith in God to speak and act on our behalf. 


Over these next three weeks, we will be bringing our requests to God with faith-filled anticipation of hearing him speak and seeing him move in our lives.    


We encourage you to intentionally set time aside each day to spend with God. Follow the points above to deal with your heart, listen to what God is saying, and then pray in line with that.


Coming around other believers in a corporate prayer environment is another great way to learn to pray, and when the Church gets together in prayer it builds our faith and unity to walk together as God's people.


Our church wide prayer gatherings are as follows:

  • Gilston - Tuesdays weekly 6am & 6pm (1 hour)

  • Ormeau - Every 4 weeks commencing Wednesday Feb 7, 2024 at 7pm

(See our What's On page for more)


Our Church-wide fasting dates for this year are February 9 - 29


Fasting is not compulsory, but an invitation to deepen your relationship with the Lord and pursue breakthrough in your life.


Fasting can take many forms, and we recommend a 'Daniel Fast'. You can find out how to do a Daniel Fast here.


If the Daniel Fast is not for you, there are other options for fasting. Check out this article that explores a range of fasting options here.


Pottery Creations
A model of a Jar used for the Dead Sea scrolls against a blurred background of the Qumran

Bible Reading

The Bible is the account of God's unfolding revelation to humanity - It is how we encounter Jesus, how we understand the world God created, and how we know who God is.

As Christians, it is vital for us to know our Bible. We can listen to a hundred sermons, but nothing beats personal revelation that comes from our own time in reading. 

It can be a hard book to understand sometimes, so below are some resources to help with this. If you have questions, please ask one of our team!


The Bible Project

Exploring My Strange Bible podcast

The New Testament Story

Bible in One Year reading plan



Being part of a community of Spirit-filled believers is essential for us to grow and be all that God intends us to be.

As human beings, we were made for connection and we long for it.


We encourage you this year to make room for connection through church attendance, being part of one of our many service teams, or by joining a connect group


We are also running a discipleship program for those who are seeking intentional and accountable growth. To enquire, please email

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